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Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I'm settled back in here at Sea Hag Soaps & Art Mercantile.
Work now is about getting out the old and bringing in the new for our Annual
Spring show May 1st and 2ND. We'll have live music in here by "Acoustic Brew"
on Saturday the 1st.

Springtime means beginning of garden clean-up and planting.I'm a farmer
in my heart.I love digging and planting and when it's time for harvest
I could use a flock of helpers to get it all done.It happens to be
our busy time here which leaves me torn between,work ,garden and the lake.
I love being around all the Art,making soaps and adore being outside.
Can someone out there tell me how to do it all? I'm willing to try Cloning.
Watch out WORLD!

I completed my 20Th peak in the Catskills.I'm working for a little
embroidered patch:)The name of the peak is Blackhead.The snow was
ridiculous but had a bright spectacular sunny day with two friends and
a total of three dogs.On the way to the peak Beth spotted a mature eagle
on the side of the road.I immediately backed up and it didn't take off
for a few minutes and when it did it flew to a nearby tree with another eagle
and two juveniles with them! We all felt so lucky! Majestic is a cliche
but it certainly fits.
When we finished the hike and got to the bottom we heard the tale of
two guys that went up the week before-hit a blizzard aways from their
lean to and had to dig a snow cave.
One guy left to get help and was found a few days later-dead.Very sad
and a reminder not to take anything in life for granted.
Enjoy the day and remember....Another Day-ANOTHER ADVENTURE!!

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