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Thursday, March 4, 2010

S-U-N !!!

I awoke to something like a bright light coming through my window.
My Thursday hiking group(that has dwindled down to one)cancelled for today.
Tuesday's hike in Jones Park that usually takes one hour took over 1.5 hours.
It was deep trail breaking up to our knees with our dogs on our heels not
wanting to be leaping in all directions as usual. It was a bit grueling-
I did have brief images of a wagon train on it's side, food supplies short
and the group eyeing my Ruben-esque body!

I had a quick cup of coffee, got dressed and put the snow shoes on for a hike
out back of my house. This time the snow was NOT "sinkable"(I didn't lose
30lbs) I daintily floated on top of the crusty snow until I had a moment
of losing one shoe and sank a foot. I readjusted and was on my way-a small blip.
I tracked turkeys around and up to a quarry where I saw they got to the
cliff's edge and took a small flight. I could have stayed out a few more hours
drinking up the rays but the soap and paperwork were calling.
Thanks be for this day! AND Thanks for stopping.