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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pearl Day

I have no Valentine other than Grace by my side this evening but
I got to meet Pearl Fryar from the documentary "A Man Named Pearl" today.
I was so THRILLED!!!I'm not a big celebrity worshiper. There's a handful of
people I'd love to meet.Some of them on the list aren't even alive anymore but would love to have a conversation with them.
OK...I WOULD NOT turn down a date with Jack Nicholson.

Back to Pearl-I saw the movie about a week before my "On the Road with Sea Hag"trip.
I LOVED this movie,it was recommended by Netfix.I chuckled and just smiled through most of it.This is about a real man who had the motivation to create an evergreen garden for almost free. He's a sharecropper's son,that grew up poor with no college degree-self taught really.
It was on my lists of stops on the tour and I made it today. I got up and drove from
Columbia,SC to Bishopville,SC. Bishopville is where the garden is.It's all around Pearl's house. Pearl and his wife were not there, which I knew before hand,so I got out of the car with Grace and wondered around all the nooks and crannies of this magical eden. I then had some time before Pearl was going to be back so I headed to a nearby state park to get Grace out for a run.
I had my own little tailgate party from my last night's $8 Dollar Store raid.
It was a feast of V8 juice,triscuits,peanuts,prunes and some cheese from Sea Hag that I've had it the cooler.This is the first road trip ever I didn't survive on fast food....confession....there was ONE filled Krispy Kreme-another blog all together:)
After my lunch-I went back to Pearl's house to park and wait for them to return.
I was on the phone with my niece Marne when they drove up.I was getting excited
and a few minutes later Pearl came out and wondered over to the car....I couldn't believe it-
I was seeing Pearl LIVE! I quickly cut Marn off and got out and proceeded to
have a great hour and a half with Pearl one on one.
New info-
He's spoken at Harvard college,other colleges, and garden groups all over the
U.S. He retired from a cannery day job, and has created a foundation to support
C average students.He believes in the support for their education to give these
kids HOPE and not turn to the dark side of life with crime.
He now with 2 employess and had one intern. He's a smart humble man who can hardly believe all that has happened to him but has used this platform to reach out to people of all ages. He's touched so many lives. His words and philosophy about life are as wonderful as his topiaries.I feel extremely lucky to have met him. I could become a "Pearl head",quit my job and follow him around the country.I'm SERIOUS! Next career-a Pearl Groupie.

My trip is winding down.I'll do Asheville tomorrow and either move on to Blowing Rock,NC or stay here another day.ANOTHER DAY ANOTHER ADVENTURE!!