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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday Marne & Grace-Wilmington, -NC

Pouring rain all day.My niece Marne,Grace and I went on the road visiting shops with Sea Hag samples. I was talking the talk and meeting store owners and managers.
The comments were positive. They loved the packeaging and logo.
Stores to pursue -
NoFo with another store in Raleigh,NC. Loved the shop. Funky Fun-had lunch there... good food.
Porter's Neck Spa-owned by two sisters.Great business,kind peaceful space
Lovey's-talked to Marie.Health food store
The Fisherman's Wife- shop on the pier,owner's just got back from trade show so not quite ready to order.
Having a Blue Moon beer-life is good!


  1. Coll,

    Sounds like fun already. Grace looks like she's ready for life on the road. Hope you're having a grand time and getting warmer as you go.

    Jac and the gang

  2. Everything was okay until you settled for a Blue Moon! Seriously, get yourself to Delaware and have a Dogfish Head! They sell it in Florida too, so there's hope. Love H
